Timothy H. Bonner
Ph.D., 2000, Texas Tech University
M.S., 1996, Texas State University
B.S., 1992, Texas A&M University
Thomas, C., T. H. Bonner, and B. G. Whiteside. 2007. Freshwater Fishes of Texas: A Field Guide. Texas A&M University Press. 216 pp
Google Scholar
Irwin, K, A. S. Aspbury, T. H. Bonner, and C. R. Gabor. 2024. Habitat structural complexity predicts cognitive performance and behavior in western mosquitofish. Biology Letters.
Chappell, L. E., E. Leal, J. Tivin, and T.H. Bonner. 2024. New Distributional Records for Etheostoma fonticola (Fountain Darter) in the San Marcos River, Texas. Southeastern Naturalist.
Kiser, A.H., C.A. Craig, T.H. Bonner, B. Littrell, C.H. Smith, C.R. Robertson, H. Wang, W.E. Grant, M.S. Johnson, R. Lopez, and C.R. Randklev. 2024. Creating a systematic prioritization of stream reaches for conservation of aquatic species. Ecosphere.
Schoeck, C.N., K.T. Sullivan, J. Guajardo, B.M. Littrell, B. Kirby, A.W. Groeger, and T.H. Bonner. 2024. Mussel community and changes in water quality within a southcentral river basin of North America with emphasis on two federally proposed species. American Malacological Bulletin 40:1-22.
Lopez, S. G., A. S. Aspbury, S. Fritts, T. Tidwell, and T. H. Bonner. 2023. Long-term patterns in inland fish kills associated with cold-shock and winter stress: a regional case study from Texas. Journal of Fish Biology 103:472-480. Cover photo and special recognition by Perry, W.B. 2023. The sting of climate change and its effect on the march of invasive fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 103:472-480.
Harrison, M. V. A. Sotola, K. T. Sullivan, A. Zalmat, B. M. Littrell, T. H. Bonner, and N H. Martin. 2023. A comparison of non-destructive visceral swab and tissue biopsy sampling methods for genotyping-by-sequencing in the freshwater mussel Fusconaia askewi. Genes 2023, 14, 1197. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes14061197.
Kolonin A.M, V. Bókony, T. H. Bonner, J. J. Zúñiga-Vega, A. S. Aspbury, and C. R. Gabor. 2022. Coping with urban habitats via glucocorticoid flexibility: physiology, behavior, and life history of tolerant stream fishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 62:90–103.
Thiels, S.E, C.R. Edwards, and T.H. Bonner. 2022. Assessing effects of impounded water on life history, reproduction, and diets of a fluvial specialist fish. American Midland Naturalist 187:225-242.
Edwards, C.R., and T.H. Bonner. 2022. Vegetation associations of the endangered Fountain Darter Etheostoma fonticola. Endangered Species Research 47:1-13.
Edwards, C.R., S. E. Thiels, K. Sullivan, J. Guajardo, B. M. Littrell, and T. H. Bonner. 2021. Occurrence of Golden Topminnow Fundulus chrysotus in the San Marcos River, Texas. Southeastern Naturalist 20:83-86.
Craig, C. A. and T. H. Bonner. 2021. Spring flow lost: a historical and contemporary perspective of an urban fish community. Urban Ecosystem 24:417-427.
Sotola, V. A, K. T. Sullivan, B. M. Littrell, N. H. Martin, D. S. Stich, and T. H. Bonner. 2021. Short-term responses of freshwater mussels to floods in a southwestern U.S.A. river estimated using mark-recapture sampling. Freshwater Biology 66:349-361.
Ablak-Gurbuz, O. and T. H. Bonner. 2020. Current assessment of species composition and biological characteristics of fishes in the transboundary rivers in Turkey. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 133:76-108.
Ruppel, D. S., V. A. Sotola, C. A. Craig, N. H. Martin, and T. H. Bonner. 2020. Assessing functions of movement in a Great Plains endemic fish. Environmental Biology of Fishes 103:795-814.
Ruppel, D. S., and T. H. Bonner. 2020. Reproduction and age structure of the Plains Killifish Fundulus zebrinus from two tributaries of the upper Red River, Texas. Western North American Naturalist 80: 175-182.
Craig, C.A. and T.H. Bonner. 2019. Drainage basin checklists and dichotomous keys for the inland fishes of Texas. Zookeys 874:31-45. [PDF]
Faucheux, N. M. H., C. A. Craig, and T. H. Bonner. 2019. Rapid assessment for identifying species of greatest conservation need: towards a unified approach. Fisheries 44:488-497. [PDF]
Magnelia, S., G. Linam, R. McGillicuddy, K. Saunders, M. Parker, T. Birdsong, D. Lutz-Carrillo, J. Williamson, R. Ranft, and T. Bonner. 2019. Repatriation of Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii in the Blanco River, Texas: a case study in the opportunistic use of drought as a fisheries management tool. American Fisheries Society Symposium 87:213-230. [PDF]
Sotola VA, Craig CA, Pfaff PJ, Maikoetter JD, Martin NH, Bonner TH. 2019. Effect of preservation on fish morphology over time: implications for morphological studies. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213915. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213915 [PDF]
Ruppel, D. S, N. M. Hahn, J. D. Maikoetter, and T. H. Bonner. 2019. Prairie Stream Minnows: Smalleye Shiner Notropis buccula, Arkansas River Shiner Notropis girardi, and Sharpnose Shiner Notropis oxyrhynchus in B. Chapman and W. Lutterschmidt, editors. Texans on the Brink: The Threatened and Endangered Fauna of Texas. Texas A&M Press.
Craig, C. A. and T. H. Bonner. 2019. Fountain Darter Etheostoma fonticola in B. Chapman and W. Lutterschmidt, editors. Texans on the Brink: The Threatened and Endangered Fauna of Texas. Texas A&M Press.
Sotola, V.A., D.S. Ruppel, T.H. Bonner, C.C. Nice, and N.H. Martin. 2019. Asymmetric hybridization between fishes in the Red River basin of Texas associated with variation in water quality. Ecology and Evolution 2019:2083-2095. [PDF]
Craig, C. A., J. D. Maikoetter, and T. H. Bonner. 2019. Temperature-mediated feeding between spring-associated and riverine-associated congeners, with implications for community segregation. PeerJ 6:e6144 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6144 [PDF]
Clark, M. K., K. G. Ostrand, and T. H. Bonner. 2017. Implications of piscine predator control on the federally-listed fountain darter. Fisheries Management and Ecology 24:292-297. [PDF]
Craig, C. A., B. M. Littrell, and T. H. Bonner. 2017. Population status and life history attributes of the Texas shiner Notropis amabilis. American Midland Naturalist 177:277-288 [PDF]
Dautreuil, V. L. E., C. A. Craig, and T. H. Bonner. 2016. Persistence of Etheostoma parvipinne (Goldstripe Darter) in a single tributary on the periphery of its range. Southeastern Naturalist 15:28-32. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H. 2016. Pimephales vigilax (bullhead minnow). Invasive Species Compendium, cabi.org.
Bonner, T. H. 2016. Lucania parva (rainwater killifish). Invasive Species Compendium, cabi.org
Cook-Hildreth, C., T. H. Bonner, D. G. Huffman. 2016. Reproductive biology of an exotic suckermouth armored catfish (Loricariidae) in the San Marcos River, Hays Co., Texas, with observations on environmental triggers. Bioinvasion Records (5:173-183) [PDF]
Craig, C.A., K. A. Kollaus, K. P. K. Behen, and T.H. Bonner. 2016. Relationships among spring flow, habitats, and fishes within evolutionary refugia of the Edwards Plateau. Ecosphere 7:1-13. [PDF]
McDonald, D. L., T. H. Bonner, P. D. Cason, B. W. Bumguardner, and S. Bonnot. 2016. Effects of three cold weather event simulations on early life stages of Southern Flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma). Journal of Applied Aquaculture 28:26-34. [PDF]
Robertson, S. M, J. N. Fries, and T. H. Bonner. 2016. Effects of habitat utilization on the reproduction of two imperiled, sympatric Dionda (Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Basin, Texas. American Midland Naturalists 175:222-232. [PDF]
Perkin, J. S. and T. H. Bonner. 2016. Historical changes in fish assemblage composition following water quality improvement in the mainstem Trinity River of Texas. Rivers Research and Application 32:85-99. [PDF]
Phillips, M. B. and T.H. Bonner. 2015. Occurrence and amount of microplastic ingested by fishes in watersheds of the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Pollution Bulletin 100:264-269. [PDF]
Labay, B. J., D. A. Hendrickson, A. E. Cohen, T. H. Bonner, R. S. King, L. Kleinsasser, G. Linam, and K. W. Winemiller. 2015. Can species distribution models aid bioassessment when reference sites are lacking? Tests based on freshwater fishes. Environmental Management 56:835-846. [PDF]
Craig, C. A., C. R. Vaughn, D. S. Ruppel, and T. H. Bonner. 2015. Occurrence of Brown Bullhead in Texas. Southeastern Naturalist 14:35-37. [PDF]
Diaz, P, J. N. Fries, T. H. Bonner, M. Alexander, W. H. Nowlin. 2015. Mesohabitat associations of the threatened San Marcos salamander (Eurycea nana) across its geographic range. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 25:307-321. [PDF]
Curtis, S. G., J. S. Perkin, P. T. Bean, M. S. Sullivan, and T. H. Bonner. 2015. Guadalupe bass Micropterus treculii (Valliant & Boucourt, 1874). Pages 55-60 in M. D. Tringali, J. M. Long, T. W. Birdsong, and M. S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. [PDF]
Kollaus, K. A., K. P. K. Behen, T. C. Heard, T. B. Hardy, and T. H. Bonner. 2015. Influence of urbanization on a karst terrain stream and fish community. Urban Ecosystem 18:293-320. [PDF]
Nichols, H. T. and T. H. Bonner. 2014. First record and habitat associations of Spongilla cenota (Class Demospongiae) within streams of the Edwards Plateau. Southwestern Naturalist 59: 465-470. [PDF]
Becker, J. C., K. J. Rodibaugh, B. J. Labay, T. H. Bonner, Y. Zhang, and W. H. Nowlin. 2014. Influence of land use and physiographic gradients on nutrients in a Gulf Slope (USA) river system. Freshwater Science 33:731-744. [PDF]
Henn, M. H. T. Nichols, Y. Zhang, and T. H. Bonner. 2014. Effect of artificial light on the drift of aquatic insects in urban central Texas streams. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 29:307-318. [PDF]
Sullivan, M. L., Y. Zhang, T. H. Bonner. 2014. Nutritional value of aquatic versus terrestrial arthropods for freshwater fishes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 29:259-266. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H. 2014. River Darter Percina shumardi. In Eberle, M. et al. Fishes of Kansas, 3rd Edition. University Press of Kansas.
Bonner, T. H. 2014. Silverband Shiner Notropis shumardi. In Eberle, M. et al. Fishes of Kansas, 3rd Edition. University Press of Kansas.
Ryan, T. A., A. N. Kohl, D. J. Soucek, T. S. Smith, T. M. Brandt, T. H. Bonner, and D. M. Cropek. 2013. Short term effects of military fog oil on the fountain darter (Etheostoma fonticola). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. [PDF]
Perkin, J. S., Z. R. Shattuck, J. E. Gerken, and T. H. Bonner. 2013. Fragmentation and drought legacy correlated with distribution of Burrhead Chub in subtropical streams of North America. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1287-1298. [PDF]
Sha, Q, M. R. J. Forstner, T. H. Bonner, D. Hahn. 2013. Salmonellae in fish feces analyzed by in situ hybridization and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 25:184-190. [PDF]
Dammeyer, N. T., C. T. Phillips, and T. H. Bonner. 2013. Site fidelity and movement of the smallest etheostomine darter with implications for endangered species management. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1049-1057. [PDF]
Sullivan, M. L., Y. Zhang, T. H. Bonner, and J. Tomasso. 2013. Temperature modulation of growth and physiology of juvenile Guadalupe bass. North American Journal of Aquaculture 75:373-376. [PDF]
Bean, P. T., D. J. Lutz-Carrillo, and T. H. Bonner. 2013. Range-wide survey of the introgressive status of Guadalupe bass Micropterus treculii: implications for conservation and management. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:681-689. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H. 2013. Book review: Fishes of Central US by J. R. Tomelleri and M. E. Eberle. Great Plains Research 23:81.
Gaertner, J., D. Brown, M. R. J. Forstner, T. H. Bonner, D. Hahn. 2012. Geographic variation in Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis occurrence among populations of Acris crepitans blanchardi in Texas, USA. Herpetological Review 43:150-159. [PDF]
Sullivan, M. L., Y. Zhang, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Terrestrial subsidies in the diets of stream fishes of the USA: comparisons among taxa and morphology. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:409-414. [PDF]
Perkin, J. S, Z. R. Shattuck, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Reproductive ecology of a relict ironcolor shiner (Notropis chalybaeus) population in the headwaters of the San Marcos River. American Currents 37:11–21. [PDF]
Heard, T. C., J. S. Perkin, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Intra-annual variation in fish communities and habitat associations in a Chihuahua Desert reach of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Del Norte. Western North American Naturalist 72:1-15. [PDF]
Perkin, J. S., Z. R. Shattuck, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Life history aspects of a relic ironcolor shiner Notropis chalybaeus population in a novel spring environment. American Midland Naturalist 167:111-126. [PDF]
Kollaus, K. A., and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Habitat associations of a semi-arid fish community in a karst spring-fed stream. Journal of Arid Environments 76:72 – 79. [PDF]
Fleming, B. P., D. G. Huffman, T. H. Bonner, and T. M. Brandt. 2011. Metacercarial distribution of Centrocestus formosanus (Dignea: Heterophyidae) among fish hosts in the Guadalupe River drainage of Texas. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 23:117-124.[PDF]
Bean, P. T., J. T. Jackson, D. J. McHenry, T. H. Bonner, M. R. J. Forstner. 2011. Rediscovery of headwater catfish, Ictalurus lupus (Ictaluridae) in a western gulf slope drainage. Southwestern Naturalist 56: 285 – 289. [PDF]
Perkin, J. S. and T. H. Bonner. 2011. Long-term changes in flow regime and fish assemblage composition in the Guadalupe and San Marcos rivers of Texas. Rivers Research and Application 27:566-579. [PDF]
Pound, K. L., W. H. Nowlin, D. G. Huffman, and T. H. Bonner. 2011. Trophic ecology of a nonnative population of suckermouth catfishes (Hypostomus plecostomus) in a central Texas spring-fed stream. Environmental Biology of Fishes 90:277-285. [PDF]
Bean, P.T., C.S. Williams, P.H. Diaz, and T.H. Bonner. 2010. Habitat associations, life history, and diet of the blackspot shiner, Notropis atrocaudalis. Southeastern Naturalist 9:673-686. [PDF]
Smith, A., M. Chumchal, T.H. Bonner, and W.H. Nowlin. 2010. Mercury contamination of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Del Norte fish community: spatial variation and influence of environmental gradients. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:1762-1772. [PDF]
Bean, M.G. and T.H. Bonner. 2010. Spatial and temporal distribution of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidea) in the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte). Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 22:182-189. [PDF]
Perkin, J.S., Z.R. Shattuck, P.T. Bean, T.H. Bonner, E.Saraeva, and T.B. Hardy. 2010. Movement and microhabitat associations of Guadalupe bass in two Texas rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:33-46. [PDF]
Watson, J. M., C. Sykes, T. H. Bonner. 2009. Gut contents of age-0 Rio Grande silvery minnow Hybognathus amarus reared in hatchery ponds. Southwestern Naturalist 54:475-479. [PDF]
Bean, M. G., and T. H. Bonner. 2009. Impact of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) on Cyprinella lutrensis condition and reproduction. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 24:283-291. [PDF]
Perkin, J. S., C. S. Williams, and T. H. Bonner. 2009. Aspects of chub shiner Notropis potteri life history with comments on native distribution and conservation status. American Midland Naturalist 162:276-288. [PDF]
Bean, P. T., M. G. Bean, and T. H. Bonner. 2009. Threatened fishes of the world: Moxostoma congestum (Catostomidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 85:173-174. [PDF]
Leavy, T. R. and T. H. Bonner. 2009. Relationships among swimming ability, current velocity associations, and morphology for freshwater lotic fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:72-83. [PDF]
Small, M. F., T. H. Bonner, and J. T. Baccus. 2009. Hydrologic alteration of the lower Rio Grande terminus: a quantitative assessment. River Research and Application 25:241-252. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H. and Preston T. Bean. 2008. Threatened fishes of the world: Micropterus treculii (Centrarchidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 83:367-368. [PDF]
Gaertner, J., P. E. Wheeler, S. Obafemi, J. Valdez, M. R. J. Forstner, T. H. Bonner, D. Hahn. 2008. Detection of salmonellae from fish in a natural river system. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 20:150-157. [PDF]
Bean, P. T. and T. H. Bonner. 2008. Reproductive ecology and diet of the gray redhorse (Catostomidae) in a Hill Country stream and reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23:397-404. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H., J. M. Watson, and C. S. Williams. 2008. Threatened fishes of the world: Cyprinella proserpina (Cyprinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 81:365-366.
Bean, P. T., T. H. Bonner, and B. M. Littrell. 2007. Spatial and temporal patterns in the fish assemblage of the Blanco River, Texas. Texas Journal of Science 59:179-200. [PDF]
Hulbert, J., T. H. Bonner, J. N. Fries, G. P. Garrett, and D. R. Pendergrass. 2007. Early development of Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae). Southwestern Naturalist 52:378-385. [PDF]
Littrell, B. M., D. Lutz-Carrillo, T. H. Bonner, and L. T. Fries. 2007. Status of an introgressed Guadalupe bass population in a central Texas stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:785-791. [PDF]
Bean, M. G., A. Skerikova, T. H. Bonner, T. Scholz, and D. Huffman. 2007. First record of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in the Rio Grande with comparative ITS2 and V4-18S rDNA sequencing. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 19:71-76. [PDF]
McDonald, D. L., T. H. Bonner, E. L. Oborny, Jr. and T. M. Brandt. 2007. Effects of fluctuating temperatures and gill parasites on reproduction of the fountain darter, Etheostoma fonticola. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22:311-318. [PDF]
Williams, L.R., M.G. Williams, J.D. Hudson III, V. Campbell-Arvai, and T. H. Bonner. 2007. Evaluation of a stream system after clearcut logging disturbance in the Gulf coastal plain. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22:119-133. [PDF]
Thomas, C., T. H. Bonner, and B. G. Whiteside. 2007. Freshwater Fishes of Texas: A Field Guide. Texas A&M University Press. 216 pp. [LINK]
Williams, C. S, and T. H. Bonner. 2006. Threatened fishes of the world: Notropis sabinae (Cyprinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 80; 7-8. [PDF]
Lutz-Carrillo, D. J., C. C. Nice, T. H. Bonner, M. R. J. Forstner, and L. T. Fries. 2006. Admixture analysis of Florida largemouth bass and northern largemouth bass using microsatellite loci. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:779-791. [PDF]
McDonald, D. L., T. H. Bonner, T. M. Brandt, and G. H. Trevino. 2006. Size susceptibility to trematode-induced mortality in the endangered fountain darter (Etheostoma fonticola). Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21:293-299. [PDF]
Williams, C. S. and T. H. Bonner. 2006. Habitat associations, life history, and diet of the Sabine shiner Notropis sabinae in an east Texas drainage. American Midland Naturalist 155:84-102. [PDF]
Patrikeev, M., T. H. Bonner, and G. M. Trujillo. 2005. Occurrence of the river shiner Notropis blennius in Lake Meredith, Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 50:488-490. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H. and D. L. McDonald. 2005. Threatened fishes of the world: Etheostoma fonticola (Percidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 73:333-334. [PDF]
Williams, L. R., T. H. Bonner, J. D. Hudson, M. G. Williams, T. R. Leavy, and C. S. Williams. 2005. Interactive effects of environmental variability and military training on stream biota of three headwater drainages in Western Louisiana. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:192-206. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H., C. Thomas, C. S. Williams, and J. P. Karges. 2005. Temporal assessment of a west Texas stream fish assemblage. Southwestern Naturalist 50:74-78. [PDF]
Littrell, B. M., C. Thomas, C. S. Williams, and T. H. Bonner. 2003. Gut contents of the headwater catfish Ictalurus lupus from two West Texas streams. Texas Journal of Science 55:323-328. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H., and G. R. Wilde. 2002. The effect of turbidity on prey consumption by prairie stream fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:1203-1208. [PDF]
Durham, B. W., T. H. Bonner, and G. R. Wilde. 2002. Occurrence of Lernaea cyprinacea on Arkansas River shiners and peppered chubs in the Canadian River, New Mexico and Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 47:95-98. [PDF]
Wilde, G. R., T. H. Bonner, and P. J. Zwank. 2001. Diets of the Arkansas River shiner and peppered chub in the Canadian River, New Mexico and Texas. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 16:403-410. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H., and G. R. Wilde. 2000. Changes in the fish assemblage of the Canadian River, Texas, associated with reservoir construction. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 15:189-198. [PDF]
Wilde, G. R., and T. H. Bonner. 2000. First records of the suckermouth minnow Phenacobius mirabilis in Canadian River, Texas. Texas Journal of Science 52:71-74. [PDF]
Bonner, T. H., T. M. Brandt, J. N. Fries, and B. G. Whiteside. 1998. Temperature effects on egg production and early life stages of the fountain darter. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127:971-978. [PDF]